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Microplastic Research

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WhatsApp Image 2021-06-06 at
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Spatiotemporal Microplastic

Study of Setiu Wetland, 
South China Sea


Congratulations to MRIG members (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kasaven Bhubalan, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tuan Nurul Sabiqah Tuan Anuar, Dr. Yusof Shuaib Ibrahim, Dr. Lee Jen Nie and Dr. Wan Mohd Afiq Wan Mohd Khalik) receiving Eramus+CHBE grant 2021

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A Premliminary Investigation of Marine Litter Pollution Along Mandvi Beach Kachchh, Gujarat

Author: Durga Prasad Behera, Prabhu Kolandhasamy, Sivaraj Sigamani, Lakshmi Prahba Devi and Yusof Shuaib Ibrahim


Congratulation to MRIG member (Dr. Yusof Shuaib Ibrahim) for new publication in Marine Pollution (WoSQ1)

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Small Acts Big Impact

Save Our Earth From Plastics, Let's Recycle!

This programmed is one of the inciatives made by MRIG to encourage public to aware about the plastic pollution among youngsters.


If you are interested, come and join us in this journey.


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Microplastics revealed in the placentas of unborn baby

A dozen plastic particles were found. Only about 4% of each placenta was analysed, however, suggesting the total number of microplastics was much higher. All the particles analysed were plastics that had been dyed blue, red, orange or pink and may have originally come from packaging, paints or cosmetics and personal care products

-the Guardian-



Faculty of Science and Marine Environment, 21030, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia

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